CINA bangsat dah melampau!!!!!

sumber : utusan Malaysia 9 April 2008

Dikala melayu masih nyenyak lena dibuai ombak fahaman politik yang berbeza, PASLERnih dengan fatwanya, UMNO masih lagi mencari formulanya yang tersendiri, anakmuda menerima komen di bawah. Apakah ini yang melayu kini mahu? Cina dah berani gelar kita "malay p**". Kita masih ketawa di bawah payung politik yang sedia koyak dan tiris. Bangunlah bangsaku yang layu dek buai mimpi-mimpi yang indah. Cina dan berani menyarankan Azan solat tidak lagi boleh didengarkan, kenapa kita masih lena? Adakah kita mahu tunggu sampai DAP SIBABI ni naik tanduk? Atau nak tunggu MCA bergabung dengan DAP baru kita nak bangun dari mimpi yang indah? Ini pertanda awal bahawa Cina tak pernah berdiam. Walaupun kita dah bagi hak kewarganegaraan kepada mereka selepas Malaysia Merdeka, Mereka LUPA. Dan Mereka tak pernah hargai. PATUTNYA kita hantar saja balik CINA BANGSAT ni balik ke negara mereka. Bacalah komen mereka di bawah.

This malay pig race is so stupid, that they'd never amount to anything in this world.

This message board has been here for awhile, and if anyone goes back, there is no one message, that talks good about this stupid malay pig race, because everybody knows how stupid, and hateful this malay pig race is all about.

The malay pig will crumble from internal weaknesses and disappear in era of globalization - no need for others to colonize them.

Because malay pig like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese income tax!

Wait until the malay pig population increase to 90% in Malaysia, the same ratio as in Indonesia, then you will know the meaning of poor, as there will be too many malay pig to subsidize.

Then the economy collapse.

The malay pig are actually digging their own grave and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now.

But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them.

There show that the general malay pig are quite stupid and can't think outside the box.

Only 1% of the malay pig can make it and they are the exceptions. If malay pig are not stupid, what are they?

If all malay pig jump into sea and all die!

This world will become very very beautiful.

komen by boleh, August 5, 2009 3:52 AM

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